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Our mission and our activities

"Collectifs" work within companies to transform them from the inside. LES COLLECTIFS is working to take this innovative form of commitment to a new level.

Grow the communauty of Les Collectifs

We help groups to grow by putting them in touch with each other and supporting them on specific issues. We also help committed employees to set up their own "collectif".

more than 250 organisations and companies connected and other 100 "collectifs" listed

hundreds of connections between "collectifs"

more than 15 peer-to-peer support sessions: "Expeditions", to create your own "collectif", and "Codevs", occasional sharing workshops

setting up discussion channels, newsletters, monthly sessions and afterworks (4 cities in France, soon in Belgium and Canada)

Develop projects within and out

We develop tools and organise events with groups. We create projects with members from different "collectifs". We collaborate with other stakeholders in the ecosystem.

5 webinars for the community in 2022

2 first thematic groups with members from different "collectifs"

over 20 partners and collaborations

co-organisation of the Rencontres de l'Ecologie et du Travail, on 1 May 2022

creation of the Atlas des actions des COLLECTIFS, a reference platform for actions undertaken in the company, based on the experiences of collectives

co-organisation of a 130-person event about "Transforming companies from within, on 27 September 2023

Advocate for more responsible companies

We make our voice heard in the media and at events. We also speak to management and networks of companies

a manifesto published in 2021

over 25 media interventions (including Les Echos, L'Obs, Kaizen, France Inter, etc.)

more than 20 presentations at events (COP26, TED, Université de la Terre, ChangeNOW, Univershifté, etc.)

over 40 interventions with C-level management or networks (ORSE, Convention des Entreprises pour le Climat, Grand Défi)

Do you need help to launch or establish your "collectif"? Here's how we can help you

I don't have a "collectif" yet and I would like to create one

Goal: discover the first steps to get your "collectif" off to a good start and launch the first actions. Register to the next cohort:

I already have a "collectif" but I'm facing difficulties

Goal: work together to overcome the obstacles encountered by our "collectifs". Register for the next codev session:

I would like to know what other "collectifs" have done

Goal: share successful initiatives between groups. Access the Atlas:

I would like to talk with other members of "collectifs"

Goal: create direct links between groups and give you the chance to ask your questions! Join our Slack community or contact us:

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